Sunday, September 24, 2006

Touch and Go at Slashdot...

Submitted a tip to the release of Vista RC1 Build 5728 to Slashdot Saturday morning.

Eventually the Slashdot gods smiled and posted my submission early today to the front page. Nice!

They changed a link reference (for clarity?). I had originally submitted a link to NeoSmart's outline of this build for details, but they chose to include an Ars Technica link instead. That's cool. I like Ars.

Funny though, I thought I would be more "excited" about hitting Slashdot, but I'm most proud of getting the tipoff over to Dwight Silverman's local TechBlog instead. Not only did he respond to the tipoff faster and provide updates on the post-developments, but I have a deeper sense of helping our tech "family" over there.

Although, getting a submitted story on Slashdot isn't quite as cool as being the Slashdot story like Jim Thompson recently had the honor of being....

I did notice one tiny thread if this should be considered RC1 since it is part of the RTM tree. I'm not a Microsoft employee, but my desktop of this build has "Windows Vista (TM) RC1 Evaluation copy. Build 5728) in the bottom right corner. That was the result of a clean to some degree Microsoft must still be associating this build with RC1.


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