Saturday, November 28, 2015

Web Browser Linkpost: Turkey Day Edition

Clearly I’m finding a little bit of time in the post Thanksgiving Day period to catch up on some blogging.

Here are some new browser bits I’ve tucked away over the past several weeks.

Tracking & Security


Firefox and Mozilla Developments

FavIcon Reloader - Add-ons for Firefox - having two primary systems, and two Mozilla based browsers (Firefox and Pale Moon) means that my considerable bookmark library often gets out of sync. I don’t use an on-line sync solution but rather back-up/restore the file between apps/systems. That’s great but I loos my favicons if the difference. FavIcon Reloader works great to get the icons back. I tend to use them as visual clues a lot more than I realized.

ConfigFox - utility update to version 1.4.3


Firefox finally comes to iOS - Ars Technica - meh..

Pale Moon

List of Pale Moon specific about:config preferences - gHacks Tech News


Claus Valca

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