Morning tasks after booting the coffee maker.
- Find in RSS feeds that my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS install has a 12.10 upgrade available.
● Ubuntu 12.10 “Quantal Quetzal” takes flight with a bag full of Juju - Ars Technica
● Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) released! - Ubuntu
● Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) review - ZDNet - Find in RSS feeds that my Oracle VirtualBox software has upgrade available.
● Stormy October patch day for Oracle - The H Security: News and Features
● What's New in Oracle VM VirtualBox 4.2? - Oracle (The Fat Bloke Sings) blog
● Oracle Announces Latest Release of Oracle VM VirtualBox - Oracle - Download and update VirtualBox and matching VM Extension Pack appliance.
● Downloads – Oracle VM VirtualBox - Launch and run Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and use Update Manager to bring this version as current as possible, pre-12.10 upgrade.
- Reboot and re-run updater…check version, still 12.04 and additional update checks show no 12.10 version offered.
- Hit the Googles and find trick to run from sudo “update-manager -d”. That does the trick and upgrade option to 12.10 now available to grab.
● Howto: Upgrade to Ubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal from 12.04, 11.04, 11.10 | Desktop & Server - Unixmen - Apparently I’m jumping the gun a bit on the new bits as dialog box says it is a “development version”, but apply Ubuntu update anyway…
- Get warning message that video hardware may not be sufficiently supported. Do I want to abort upgrade for now? Nope. Note complaints of 3D acceleration. Check VirtualBox settings and find I have that option disabled for this system. Note to self to enable after reboot.
- Reboot.
- Log in and kick the tires a bit.
- Disable the “expanded search” feature. System Settings --> Personal --> Privacy --> Search Results “Off”.
● Canonical adds a 'kill switch' for Ubuntu's Amazon search - PCWorld
● Online Dash Search Update - jonobacon@home - Yep. OS window performance and transition fade effects now slow-as-molasses.
- Remembered to upgrade/install VirtualBox 4.2.2 Guest Additions for Linux into system. Done.
- Reboot.
- Video performance a bit better but not a lot. Reboot.
- Disabled 3D acceleration setting in VirtualBox.
- Video performance only a hair-width better. Hopefully better VirtualBox video driver support for Ubuntu 12.10 will be released soon…
- Searched and found more posts on the issue.
● Ubuntu 12.10 – VirtualBox Guest Additions not Working -Complete, Concrete, Concise
● #10901 (vboxvideo fails to auto-load on Ubuntu 12.10 Guest) – Oracle VM VirtualBox
● • View topic - Ubuntu 12.10 "virtually" unusable - Edited “/etc/modules” file to include “vboxvideo” line as suggested above. Shut down.
● [ubuntu] newbie question on editing as root - Ubuntu Forums - Re-enabled 3D acceleration setting in VirtualBox machine settings. Powered VM back up.
- Ubuntu 12.10 video performance in VirtualBox 4.2.2 now back to normal (pretty darn fast) speed again. Yay!
- Check “Upgrade to Quantal Quetzal” off my to-do list.
--Claus V.
Very good guide and really easy to follow. Thanks! Also, through terminal one can upgrade as well using the command: sudo do-release-upgrade -d.
@ DBS - Thanks for the kind feedback as well as the terminal tip.
These little gems from pro users are greatly appreciated. I'm still wet behind the ears with Ubuntu!
--Claus V.
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