Sunday, July 08, 2007

Last -Minute Linkpost

One last round of links before I go catch up on final Sunday chores.

You know one ironic thing about losing my system...on July 4th Dad called me and I successfully walked him through fixing his new Windows Automatic Updates errors.  Guess it was just meant to be one of those cases of "Physician, heal thyself."

To the Links...

Natalie Goes to Japan goes home. - One of my favorite Japan bloggers, Natalie, is heading back home, bidding Japan farewell.  I will really miss her reports on the daily life of the locals in Japan.  Her pictures of the kids and the side-streets of Japan have left a really warm feeling in my heart.  She will be missed.  Goodbye Natalie and Good Luck!

Into the MoshPit - I was pleased to find out the other day that Peruvian blogger Therion Ravenwing liked my Grand Stream Dreams blog template layout so much, he adopted it for his own.  That's pretty awesome!  Blogged in Spanish, Therion has a great style that comes through...even when reading his blog with the help of Google Translate.

Official Gmail Blog - Not much content here yet, but I hope this might be one more source of "insider" leads on a service I depend on.

Calling All SysAdmins - Paul Stamatiou reminds us that July 27th is SysAdmin's Day! Hooray!  He has some links about an OpenDNS sysadmin contest as well the website WorseThanFailure which has some great "in the trenches" stories by sysadmins.

Enable "Copy To Folder" and "Move To Folder" options in your right click menu - Tip for Vista users only.

Blogger Backup - Nice looking Blogger backup utility (still in beta) that can back up your Blogger blog.  I still am using my Easy Blogger blog Backup Tip every week.

Trend Micro's HijackThis released a minor update to bring it up to version 2.0.2.  Nothing earth shattering but it is nice to see more frequent updates on this classic malware-mashing tool.  Yes, it does work with Vista.


1 comment:

Teo Ríos said...

Hi Claus!
Thanks for mentioning me, I really apreciate it.
BTW, I tried and read myself using Google Translator... made me kinda dizzy.