Ok...Dentist said my teeth looked great for not seeing a dentist in so long. No cavities, just some cleaning. Doctor found an infected gland under my jaw. Believes pressure/pain spread to my lower jaw/teeth. That what has been bringing on the headaches. I've been eating antibiotics all week. Yummy.
I'm finally getting used to my new glasses. Our friendly family optician realigned them and that has helped. My sunglasses came in as well. They are wicked-bad looking--now I need to get my abs cut! Only "problem" is that the extreme curvature of the lenses seems to change the depth-of field slightly on the peripherals. If I look directly through the center it isn't a problem, but when I am driving and glance at the dash or walking and look at the ground without moving my head-it is a little off/wierd. I've just had them since Tues. so I hope my eyes will figure it out in a while.
Been a bad day for the Windows 2000 world. Almost all of my time this week at work has been spent responding to the Esbot/Zotob virus outbreak that brought down a lot of other companies. Been cleaning and patching lots of desktop machines since we don't seem to have a very good patch/update policy (?political group turf issues?). But that isn't my area, I'm just an end-stream sysadmin who has to clean up the mess.
So, what can you do? Well, get patched first. Get ALL your Windows Upadates, but if you don't, at least get this one that fixes the hole this worm is taking advantage of. Next--if you don't have an antivirus program--scan/clean your machine. Use the Symantec standalone cleaners or the Microsoft Malicious Software tool. If it were me, I would download the tool and run it off the local drive--it is very fast.
Mugglenet is now offering Harry Potter Podcasts for discussions of the series by fans. It is pretty fun to listen to. They have two podcasts right now and also offer transcripts if you don't want to download the honkin-big .mp3 files.
I'm thinking of starting a campaign to get MegaTokyo's Piro to Podcast his anime-convention appearances. He mentioned considering it at the very bottom of his blog. Let's hope so!
Bonus Linkage:
March of the Penguins -- going to see this movie this afternoon with Lavie and Alvis.
KeyPass -- freeware password manager software--updated version.
MPUI -- freeware video software -- plays DVD files!
XPredit -- freeware XP registry setting tweaker.
Milky Way Bar -- scientists discover there really IS a MilkyWay bar out there...who knew?
Psychopathic Boss Quiz -- find out if your suspicions are true!
Solving the Enigma of Kryptos -- for all you spy fans out there.
Japanese Shrine Maidens -- beautiful photo-spread--kawaii!
See you in the skies!
I'm finally getting used to my new glasses. Our friendly family optician realigned them and that has helped. My sunglasses came in as well. They are wicked-bad looking--now I need to get my abs cut! Only "problem" is that the extreme curvature of the lenses seems to change the depth-of field slightly on the peripherals. If I look directly through the center it isn't a problem, but when I am driving and glance at the dash or walking and look at the ground without moving my head-it is a little off/wierd. I've just had them since Tues. so I hope my eyes will figure it out in a while.
Been a bad day for the Windows 2000 world. Almost all of my time this week at work has been spent responding to the Esbot/Zotob virus outbreak that brought down a lot of other companies. Been cleaning and patching lots of desktop machines since we don't seem to have a very good patch/update policy (?political group turf issues?). But that isn't my area, I'm just an end-stream sysadmin who has to clean up the mess.
So, what can you do? Well, get patched first. Get ALL your Windows Upadates, but if you don't, at least get this one that fixes the hole this worm is taking advantage of. Next--if you don't have an antivirus program--scan/clean your machine. Use the Symantec standalone cleaners or the Microsoft Malicious Software tool. If it were me, I would download the tool and run it off the local drive--it is very fast.
Mugglenet is now offering Harry Potter Podcasts for discussions of the series by fans. It is pretty fun to listen to. They have two podcasts right now and also offer transcripts if you don't want to download the honkin-big .mp3 files.
I'm thinking of starting a campaign to get MegaTokyo's Piro to Podcast his anime-convention appearances. He mentioned considering it at the very bottom of his blog. Let's hope so!
Bonus Linkage:
March of the Penguins -- going to see this movie this afternoon with Lavie and Alvis.
KeyPass -- freeware password manager software--updated version.
MPUI -- freeware video software -- plays DVD files!
XPredit -- freeware XP registry setting tweaker.
Milky Way Bar -- scientists discover there really IS a MilkyWay bar out there...who knew?
Psychopathic Boss Quiz -- find out if your suspicions are true!
Solving the Enigma of Kryptos -- for all you spy fans out there.
Japanese Shrine Maidens -- beautiful photo-spread--kawaii!
See you in the skies!
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