Sunday, February 16, 2014

Small bytes for the sysadmins this week

Finally (did I really just slam up eight posts today?!!) here is a collection of links that may appeal to the sysadmin crowd here at GSD blog.

Fix problems that programs cannot be installed or uninstalled - Microsoft Support FixIT tool.  I ran across this tool mentioned as a possible solution maker when I was monitoring the recent spate of Apple iTunes update FAIL that happened just a while ago.

Per the Microsoft Support page link above:

Fix problems that programs cannot be installed or uninstalled.

Automatically repair issues that block program installation or removal because of corrupted registry keys. Find other automated solutions

What it fixes...

  • Corrupted registry keys on 64-bit operating systems
  • Corrupted registry keys that control the update data
  • Problems that prevent new programs from being installed
  • Problems that prevent existing programs from being completely uninstalled or updated
  • Problems that block you from uninstalling a program through the Add or Remove Programs (or Programs and Features) item in Control Panel

Free Tools for Active Directory Administration -

FREE: AD Permissions Reporter – View Active Directory permissions - 4sysops

…see also Free Active Directory Tools - 4sysops - Mondo list of free AD tools over at 4sysops

Microsoft Resource Monitor Quickstart (by Tony Fortunato) - LoveMyTool blog

Verifying a zeroed disk with - TinyApps blog. I need to experiment to see if the script can be ported/work under a Windows port; Is there a way to run Bash scripts on Windows? and win-bash - bash port for Windows. I’ll also dig around to see if there could be a PowerShell method as well.

PowerTip: Mount ISO or VHD File with PowerShell - Hey, Scripting Guy! Blog

2 Ways To Convert AVI & MKV Files To Add Videos To iTunes - MakeUseOf blog

Coming soon in Windows 8.1 Update 1: Internet Explorer Enterprise Mode — Within Windows

Windows 8.1 Update 1 leaks online -- This is what's new - BetaNews


And just to prove that Claus isn’t all work and no play…my brother and I hooked up over the weekend and spend a breezy, clear and beautiful day exploring a regional bird-watching park. He tended to go for photos of actual birds. My shots were more of “desktop” background compositions…though I did get more than a few ducks in the frame.

Unfinished Bridgenessetknnfwj.xub

Do Not Passalwnbejc.eyg





--Claus Valca

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for these links. Here's an option to run bash now Windows:
