Saturday, August 07, 2010

Blog Reboot #2

Fresh from last night’s Blog Breathing… GSD blog updating.

I’ve had a fairly decent night of sleep and have been hard at work on the additional design changes I’ve wanted to do.

I did change the overall “light-fonts on dark background” to “darker-text on lighter background”.  This should be better on the eyes by far.

Our resident graphic artist Alvis has been popping in giving me feedback and suggestions as well.

Most of the “Links” items and sub-categories survived, however I did add more than a few new items:  see the “Tech and Security Links”, “Life in Zen”, “Things to Motivate”, “Forensic Live CD’s”, “Software Sources”, “Guilty Pleasures”, and “Photography” sections for the super-duper changes.

I also successfully added the new “GSD Watch List” blog roll.  Blogger’s own gadget seemed to do the trick.  Only issue I have is that I have some awesome Microsoft TechNet blogs that it won’t add for some reason; Mark's Blog, Sysinterals Site Blog, MS Malware Protection Center, Network Monitor Blog.  I think it’s because of the way the blog home pages are addressed in a disallowed format:   I’ve been unable to figure out a workaround for now so those had to get added statically up in the “Links” section.

I’ve noticed that Blogger platform now has the option to Create Pages in Blogger (more here Pages come to Blogger In Draft).  I think this might be a great way to add some static material pages for reference but I would need to do more organization.  What would serve me (and the faithful readers) best? Pages with lists of “best of” tools/utilities, wish-list, web-browser links (fav platforms/extensions), or useful CLI examples?  Or would those be better served under the Google Sites Grand Stream Dreams project site page instead?

We’ll have to see….


--Claus V.

1 comment:

  1. Yes I am agree with you that “light-fonts on dark background” to “darker-text on lighter background”. This should be better on the eyes by far. Your blogs are really attractive enough and also carry very good information. Keep it up.
