Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Windows 10 Linkpost: Unspecified Update Version

More GSD Windows 10 post linkage at the post bottom.

Nope. Still haven’t upgraded out Win 7 systems (x3) to Windows 10 here at home.

Still waiting to be sure the Dell systems have a chance to use as many “custom” Dell drivers for Win 10 feature support as possible.

As of the time of this blog post..

  • My Dell Studio 15 (1558) isn’t listed anywhere on the page.
  • Nor is my Dell XPS L702X laptop model.
  • Nor is Lavie’s Dell Inspiron 15 (3520).

Non In-Place Upgrade “Clean Install” of Windows 10 Tip

Ask most any Windows 10 sysadmin or enthusiast and they will say that the “best” way to install Windows is to do a “clean” install rather than an in-place upgrade.

The downside is that can require a lot of work; backing up user profiles/data. Reinstalling of applications and software. Re-tweaking of all the settings, configurations, and adjustments you have done over the years (if you even remember them all).

The positive is that you get rid of all the extra “stuff” you have accumulated while running your Windows system and start with a “fresh” system load to build on. Something like that parable about having a firm foundation before building.

Anyway, while feedback is quite positive on the Windows 7/8.1 in-place upgrade process to Windows 10, and there are already documented ways to do a “clean install” upgrade of Windows 10 for a qualifying system, this new “clean install” method is slick and looks really good for those who are interested.

Ready, Steady, Prepare!

When you are ready to do your Windows 10 upgrade you may want to first review this post:

Update to Windows 10 Headache Free With A Pre-Upgrade Checklist - HowTo Geek

Also, BetaNews has a post about a free offer for software to assist with data-transfer between a current system and a Windows 10 system (personal use restriction).

It looks like it is kinda like the Microsoft EasyTransfer or USMT but from a third-party application.

Windows 10 Updates

Microsoft can now update your Windows 10 system at will, use your system to seed other Win 10 system updating (inside and outside your own network/ownership), and may be vague about what those forced updates actually do. Granted you do have some limited control over those items, and enterprise builds of Win 10 have even more control, but still…

Windows 10 How-To and Tips

Like any new Windows system release, it takes a while to learn a new set of tricks and tweaks to get a measure of control back and set the system back up like you like it. Here are some more links to that end.

GSD Windows 10 Linkpost list

Listed chronologically from most recent posting downward.


Claus Valca

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