Saturday, June 29, 2013

Claus’s iPhone App List - Updated

Updated September 2013

Here is an updated listing, semi-categorized, of iOS iPhone apps I’m using on my iPhone 5. I’ve had it now for just over six months and I have really jumped on the value and convenience it and the applications have provided me. Don’t know how I lived without a smart-phone for so long.

All links will be to the iTunes App Store page unless otherwise noted. I’ve updated the permanent link on the sidebar under “Claus’s Toolbox”.

I’m only listing Apps that I use (or plan to purchase relatively soon for use). This post is for me to self-reference and primarily be a way to recommend/share Apps with the few family and friends who have iPhone discussions with me.

A mini price-range key:

  • free = free. May or may not be ad-supported. That said, if it is ad-supported or pop-up in-app notifications to upgrade to a paid-version are too annoying or obtrusive, the app is deleted.
  • $ = $.99 to $2.99 range.
  • $$ = $3 to $7.99 range.
  • $$$ = $8 to $9.99 range
  • $$$$ = over $9.99

Note that when posted, some apps may be on a special pricing discount for holiday or promotions. I’ll try to keep an eye on things but it’s only a rough guide.

“Default” apps that come installed/bundled with the iOS don’t get listed.

I have a few great Apps I won’t list for privacy reasons; banking/insurance/shipping/specific shopping/vendors, etc. Just because you don’t see those listed, doesn’t mean I don’t use them.

Finally, just because all these apps fit on and run on my iPhone 5 (64 GB), currently iOS 6.0.2, doesn’t mean they will all fit on your own iPhone.

Finally, I don’t know the impact iOS 7 will have on this list. I generally/guardedly like what I am seeing and hearing on iOS 7 but time will tell. 

Here’s the list.

Core Apps

  • Reeder - free (for now) though I gladly and joyously paid $ for it a few months ago before it became free. Now supports “standalone” RSS feeds rather than one of many supported on-line RSS services. The addition of that feature makes it my #1 Valca-cool app of awesomeness. Power to the People! You are brilliant and you are the master, Mr. Silvio Rizzi! You are a Rock Star for adding that feature! Enough said.
  • Chrome - free
  • Gmail - free
  • Google Maps - free
  • MiniKeePass - free
  • Naturespace - free/in-app $ (and I purchase a LOT of these tracks)
  • Wave Alarm - free (note I sprung for the in-app $ paid version). Wakes me up every day!
  • Wave Timer - free (note I sprung for the in-app $ paid version)
Productivity/Organization Apps Weather Apps
  • Weather Underground - free - (I paid $ for a 1-year in-app removal of ads) “realtime” radar data map display makes this app priceless to me! + it comes with lots of tropical weather (hurricane) tools and links so I may not need to purchase a hurricane-specific app.
  • WeatherMap+ - $ - Super cool forecast data projections. Awesomeness!
  • The Weather Channel® Max - $$
  • NOAA Hi-Def Radar - $ - beautiful image quality but radar data lags from several to +5 min behind current time. I want near real-time radar data please!
Text/Reading Apps Networking/IT/SysAdmin Apps Faith Apps Media & Sports Apps Specialized Utilities Photography/Art Health/Fitness/Education/Fun Hardware Support
These are the primary “hardware” items I use (or will be using) with my iPhone. Note: Price rating system suspended here. Do the research if you are curious.
  • Bluetooth Headset, Jabra WAVE - Got this in lieu of a Jawbone ERA. The reviews were good but the two factors that really sold me on this replacement headset for my battered Jawbone were the ability to connect/pair it to TWO iPhones at once (I now carry two, one from work and one is my personal) so hands-free car-driving is a joy again…and the fit around my ear due to the design means it stays fast and put when I am working and playing…no sag like the Jawbone ear loop does after a while. Highly Valca recommended device. Call quality is quite good (my own experience and feedback from family/friends on the far end).
  • Jawbone JAMBOX Wireless Speaker - Christmas present from Lavie. GSD post: It just has to be bigger on the inside…
  • Lightning Digital AV Adapter - Lightning to HDMI - Apple Store (U.S.) - Hey Mom, seen movie (insert title here) yet? Nope? Want to watch it right now off my iPhone on your HDMI TV? Great! Let’s go!
  • Jawbone (version 2) - (obtained back in 2008) - still running strong, though highly battered. Now retired but still works in a pinch.
Previously Used Apps (free) Upgraded to Purchased Versions or Alternatives
These are apps that I previously had on my iPhone but later upgraded to purchased versions and/or removed to make way for another/different version of the same app function. They are still highly recommended. Still pending purchase/installation - (sooner or later)

Hope you find this helpful.

--Claus V.

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