Monday, January 16, 2012

Taking a quick shot at Screen Shot apps


There are a LOT of Windows tools for taking screen shot captures. Lots and lots.

It seems each time I learn about a new one it gets added to my pile. However I keep rotating back to a couple of dependable ones.

IMHO FastStone Screen Capture truly is “The Best Screen Capture Software” out there. It’s been a while since FastStone pulled the “free” from this tool after version 5.3. That’s too bad as I really, really like this tool and the built-in editing tools are wicked sharp. Still, I have to mention it because it is that good. The freeware v5.3 doesn’t seem to play well on Win7 x64 systems so now I have had to move on to…

Greenshot has now taken over a a must-install freeware screen capture app on my systems. It has most of the same features of the FastStone tool, but the editing tools aren’t quite as polished. That said, it is very stable, does excellent captures on Win7 systems (x32/x64) and has been promoted to a “run-on-startup” position on my system…a VERY rare honor here at GSD. Image above captured via Greenshot

Xtreme Shot! is pretty cool also and includes those must-have post grab editing features I demand. Check it out and compare against Greenshot.

More? Check out this older grand stream dreams: Mega Linkfest – Dog-pile Style that has eleven screen shot tools listed.

Moving deeper into the “to be blogged” linkpile now…

--Claus V.


  1. I've too had been a fan of FastStone for many, many years until they dropped the free version. I have since moved over to 7capture which I really like, especially being able to select the window (especially helpful since I run dual monitors) to capture.

  2. I use ZScreen, myself. Run into problems with it occasionally, but I like the multitude of options it gives me.

  3. @FFGuru - 7capture is great tool and recommendation. I keep it on my USB stick also.

    --Claus V.

  4. @ Izzy - zscreen is a great recommendation. I downloaded and checked it out a while back. It had a lot of the usual screen-capture features but what set it apart in my mind was the integration to upload captures to a wide range of hosting websites. Thanks for sharing!

    --Claus V.
