Monday, October 05, 2009

Keep Alive Ping

Yep. Still here. All is well.

I came down with quite a cold-rebound two weeks ago.  Lavie hauled me in to our family doctor and I ended up getting loaded down with a mess of antibiotics, nasal sprays, etc. Did a number on my system to get it fixed up again.  Go figure.

I was pretty drained and ended up unplugging and getting some much needed rest.

Been spending extra time visiting with the extended family and watching cartoons and college football on the weekends with Lavie and Alvis.

I think it fell at a relatively quiet time on the Webs as when I finally got around to popping my RSS feeds I didn’t see too much of remarkable interest.

Rest assured, I still have some stuff in the blog hopper.  I might have time this weekend to get one or two posts up.


Claus V.


  1. Glad to hear that all is well. Two interesting developments: Microsoft's Security Essentials is surprisingly good (AVG seems to be bloating in response with version 9), and PhotoSketch allows you to create a photo by roughly sketching desired elements:

  2. Welcome back. Was wondering what happened to you. Hope you are doing better and look forward to seeing your posts again soon.

  3. What ho, Clause. I'm still alive and lurking in your blog shadows, too. Glad your up and running again. Cheers.
