Saturday, May 16, 2009

Updated: Goin' Win7 64-bit – It Rocks!


This is pretty scary, in a good way.  Install of Win7-64 bit went off without a hitch.  Had it fully running in about an hour and half.  Performance is outstanding.  I can’t get a performance rating in that I am running off a VHD file drive.  However, subjectively, the laptop performance feels much snappier and crisper than in Vista Home Premium 32-bit.  I did have to spend an extra fifteen minutes figuring out my wireless setup.  I manually added my wireless network device, but Win7 just wouldn’t pick it up.  Then I found the setting to auto-connect to the router even if SSID broadcasting is off (it is on my router).  That did the trick.  During the on-line update process the system found a compatible NVidia video driver which is working fantastic.  The Vista 64bit printer driver is doing fine.  Because the vast majority of my applications are “portable” I just have to create new shortcuts to my “standalone” programs from their folder on the main drive.  The system isn’t having any trouble jumping out and running them from outside the VHD drive it is running directly from.

Imagine that. Jumping to a Windows 7 64-bit install and zero, yes, ZERO driver issues so far.

I’ve got quite a lot of “tweaking” of Win7 to do, but if it continues to run this smoothly, I’ll almost assuredly be standing in line to upgrade both our Vista Home Premium 32-bit systems to Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit.  The XP desktop system will likely remain that way for the foreseeable future.  And the jury is still out on whether to upgrade the third laptop (XP Home) that Alvis uses or not.  I probably will.

I’ve found that the XdN Tweaker that I have previously mentioned for XP/Vista tweaking has just released an updated version that is compatible with Windows 7.

Lavie’s asking when her laptop gets the dual-boot upgrade to Win7 64-bit next.  I’ve got a whopper of a post planned for tomorrow, but maybe tomorrow night I will give her Compaq laptop the treatment as well.

Two enthusiastic thumbs up for Windows 7 (RC) 64-bit! 

--Cheers!  CV.

original post below….

Of course I would pick an inopportune time to do so.

Leaving in about an hour and a half to take mom out for a belated-Mommy's Day dinner in Houston.

Not the best timing to do a major OS dual-boot configuration.

I'm setting my laptop up on Windows 7 RC with the 64-bit flavor this time, just to see if there is any real performance benefit in doing so.

To keep things flexible, I'm choosing to dual-boot and retain my existing Vista Home Premium 32-bit system installation.

I'm applying the steps in this GSD post:

So far so smooth. It's going on very fast and no errors have been encountered.

Lavie is already asking me when I'm going to set her laptop up that way!

I'll give a report later tonight (if I'm not too full and tired from the dinner outing)!


--Claus V.

PS--been watching the Shuttle servicing mission live today on NASA TV. Really cool and amazing stuff.

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