Saturday, December 06, 2008

Warm things for cool and blustery days


For the Belly

I still love RSS feeding the Houstonist for the latest behind the scenes goings on around our fine city of Houston, Texas.

I miss that they seem to have dropped their previous Tech Buzz regular posts.  Not so much  as they often pulled material from my blog, but I liked that local tech-news connection.

Anyway, a surviving post category has been local dining locations, and a top-post this week was Houstonist: One Pho the Money, Two Pho the Show covering two new Pho shop locations about Houston.

I’ve found a few choice Pho picks off Harwin, Fuqua, and recently on Bay Area Boulevard worthy of eating.  I sometimes stop in with a few near the light-rail line on the south-side of downtown with my Dad after work as well.  So I was happy to see this featured and be able to note some new joints to try.

A nice super-big bowl of beef Pho with some torn basil and hoisin sauce does wonders beyond miracles to my soul.

Of Belly “Bear”ers of the round and tumbly kind

I’m a kid at heart.

Give me a cold winter night and a DVD or VHS tape of the classic Winnie the Pooh stories and I am in childlike comfort.

Original Winnie the Pooh drawings » Drawn! The Illustration and Cartooning Blog

This brought me back to all things wonderful.

Hop over to BibliOdyssey: Original Winnie The Pooh Drawings for the full and amazing post up of E.H. Shepard’s brilliantly simple but evocative drawings of our beloved bear and friends.  Peacay also provides some nice commentary on them near the end of the post.

As stated, there is no telling if or how long the image links may survive depending on any copyright challenge requests for posting them, so finish up those stoutness exercises and head on over before they disappear like honey before a bear of very small brain.


Wonder how Pho with honey would taste?

--Claus V.

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