Saturday, October 18, 2008

Firefox 3.1b1 Released

Two steps forward, one back.

I my recent post Fresh Firefox musings – And Shiretoko I ended up crashing my Nightly builds of Firefox 3.1 and also being burned by the loss of “drag-n-drop” functionality between links in Thunderbird emails as well as the general bookmarking system.

So I jumped down and over to a more stable Shiretoko Alpha 2 build.

As I blogged, it worked great.

So when I saw word this week that Firefox 3.1b1 was released I thought it could only get better.

In many ways it is, but, again, I have lost the ability to drag-n-drop links from Thunderbird into Firefox and have the page load automagically.


Not sure if I can live with working around it (copy link address and paste in address bar) or if I will roll-back to Shiretoko Alpha 2.

Here are more Firefox 3.1b1 related links, in case you happen to still be interested.


1 comment:

  1. Seems we both have been having problems with Firefox lately. Crashed a nightly version of 3.0.X so bad it wouldn't even start with no restored tabs. So far 3.1 been okay for the most part. Having problems with GoDaddy web email, lost my preview pane in 3.1. Works fine in Chrome (yes I am still using Chrome). Other than that it seems to be okay.
