Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Window Live Writer – MS: Pardon our mistake…

In my post Ummm….Windows Live Writer Update Team? I noticed I was getting a dialog box warning that WLW Technical Preview version was going to expire soon.

Turns out that someone did an “oopsie”.

Technical Preview Triggers False Expiration – Writer DevZone Blog

For those of you who downloaded the Technical Preview and have used Writer in the last couple of days, you may have seen a notification to upgrade to the new version only to be directed to to find that there is nothing new to install.

On Monday (September 1, 2008) the Technical Preview of Writer started erroneously triggering expiration for October 1, 2008.  We have fixed the issue that was causing the false expiration.  While the Technical Preview of Writer will not expire on October 1, you may still see this notification again. 

When you see this notification, click the “Ask Me Later” button and you will be able to continue using Writer without any change.

We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.

Good News: WLW Technical Preview is not expiring after all.

Bad News: Doesn’t look like we will be necessarily seeing an updated version soon.

Otherwise all is well for this awesome blogging tool.


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