Sunday, September 07, 2008

Claus Gets Chromed


cc photo credit: flickr by preciouskhyatt

Unless you were living under a rock (or in part of the Gustav strike zone) you probably heard about Google’s entry into the web-browser waters this week.

Now that things have settled down, and everybody and their dog seems to have written an impression, rant, or prognostication on the how the web as we know it will now be knows as BC/AC (Before Chrome/After Chrome) I’ve decided to share my own thoughts.

Instead of the standard review which has been beaten to death, I’m going to do it by sharing the bookmarks I’ve collected, pretty much in order, during the whole Chrome rollout and assimilation experience.

Google Chrome, Google’s Browser Project -  This Google Blogoscoped blog post was one of the very first I hit, getting my feet wet on what this “Chrome” thing was all about.

Google Chrome - Download a new browser – Out!  Snagged it at work but didn’t have time to install on a virtual machine before the day ended early.  Tiny download!

At home, re-downloaded again and installed on Vista.  Oh, not the program, just an installer. Curious.  Wonder where the actual installer package gets tucked away.  Doesn’t look like it installs “traditionally” in the Program Files location.  Where is it….? AH!  It looks like for XP in the C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\ folder.  And in Vista it gets stored in the in C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\ folder.  Curious.

I actually like the plain and “zenlike” interface.  Not much to see or do, just focus on the content.  Maybe that’s the point.  Fast.  However I am already missing all my extension and add-ins that help me power-through the Web.  Would be a great browser for just fun Web-surfing or Gmail work, but I do so much more and without Firefox and the hand-picked extensions…I just feel…naked.

Official Google Blog: A fresh take on the browser – went back and read the “official” take on it.  Trying to understand Google’s direction.

Google Chrome (Comic Edition) – Now that I got that, better get some technical background for my own understanding.  Really like the approach used.  Informative.

TechBlog: First impressions: Google's Chrome needs some polish - Dwight likes it but misses Firefox.  So do I.

Google Chrome Help Center - Did some poking around to get an idea of what more tech info lurks.  Found this item that has lots of cool tricks and features you can access from the bar.  What tools does Google Chrome provide to help me build my website?

Task Manager

Click the Page menu, then select Developer. Select Task Manager. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Shift+Escape. The Task Manager shows you all processes running in Google Chrome and the resources those processors are using (memory, CPU, and network).

JavaScript debugger

Click the Page menu, then select Developer. Select Debug JavaScript. This is a command-line JavaScript debugger that can be attach to existing processes.

Other shortcuts
Type any of the following shortcuts in the address bar to see more information:
  • about:
  • about:dns
  • about:plugins
  • about:memory
  • view-cache:[URL]
  • view-source:[URL]

Google Chrome - Google's new browser - First Look - Download Squad - Apparently I can't make up my mind and am now looking for others to help me decide if it's ok to like it or not.

Why Google Chrome Really Matters - Download Squad - It's earth-shattering!  Or not.

Preventing paranoia: when does Google Chrome talk to Matt Cutts - Here come the apologists out to defend Chrome from the haters.

Answers to common Google Chrome objections: Matt Cutts - See above. Part II.

Google Chrome « Firefox Extension Guru’s Blog - He likes it. Mostly.

Thoughts: Chrome Not Importing Fx Settings: Firefox Extension Guru - Oops.  That could be a problem!  Works, but it seems just not for the Firefox 3.0 builds.  Firefox 2.0 seems to be handled fine.

Browsing With Google Chrome - Google Blogoscoped returns for a review.  Not bad and pretty well covers the major points.

Sunbelt Blog: Chrome rocks. I don't care what others say - Alex likes it! He really, really likes it!

Google does not want rights to things you do using Chrome: Matt Cutts - Chrome Apologies, Part III

Sunbelt Blog: Some more Chrome fun - Alex teases us with crashing it for fun and profit.  Maybe he's having second thoughts...

What do You Think of Google Chrome? -Ryan and Ashley  of CyberNet News seem to find it nice, but aren't ready to abandon Firefox either.

Firefox: Enable Chrome's Best Features in Firefox - Hacking the Fox because we don't have anything better to do now that we are bored with Chrome. Sponsored by Lifehacker.

Google Chrome's about:internets Easter Egg - Yeah. Funny.  Give me about:robots any day in Firefox 3.0 builds.

Google Chrome's Full List of Special about: Pages - Now this is cool and fun.  Might also be useful!

...Chrome's got several special about: pages that reveal all sorts of interesting information about what's going on behind the scenes. Here's the full list, with screenshots.

  • about:memory
  • about:stats
  • about:network
  • about:internets
  • about:histograms
  • about:dns
  • about:cache
  • about:plugins
  • about:version

Update: Mawin adds that you can also go to two special pages on a per-site basis. view-cache:[URL] shows you some under-the-hood cache details, and view-cache:[URL] shows you the page's markup. (Though you can view source by just right-clicking on a page and choosing, um, "View page source.")

Chromium - Open Source Chrome - Download Squad - Now THIS looks fascinating.  Tuck this away.  I'll be back!

.:Computer Defense:. » Google Chrome DoS - DOH!

Mozilla Shoots Across Chrome's Bow :: - Oh no you didn't!  Got to love any post that begins with "...From the B* Slap dept.:

Google Chrome Features that are missing in your favorite Web Browser - Digital Inspiration - OK, I am now ready to confess. Chrome does have SOME things in design and implementation that downright rock.  This post nails them.

jkOnTheRun: How to compare browser memory footprints with Chrome - OK everybody and their monkey can now type "about:memory" in Chrome and see just how bad most of the rest of the browsers suck in the memory-utilization dept.  Point to Chrome.  +1 Mod for pure brass.

Google Chrome user agent: Matt Cutts - Mommy? What's my Chrome's User Agent?

Google Chrome Tips and Pointers - Google Blogoscoped blog now has finally thrown off the Force attack of Chrome's Jedi warriors and is now able to point us to effective mind-bending and will-shaping techniques of our own against Chrome's onslaught.

Official Gmail Blog: Try Gmail in Google Chrome - Is it just me or does it look pretty much the same in Firefox as it does in Chrome?  Only I don't have access to all the other wicked awesome Firefox extensions for Gmail that I like.

How To: Create Separate User Profiles in Google Chrome - Lifehacker just won't leave Chrome alone?  Sheesh! (Thank goodness for us they aren't.)

Featured Windows Download: Automatic Theme Switcher Skins Google Chrome - Lifehacker now hacks the Chrome themes.  Man! Do those guys and galls ever release once they are locked on target with their lasers?  Bring it home!

Confession time.

I'm using Chrome off and on when I am bored.  That's about it.  Or when others are around and I want to show off like I know something.

I might load it up on Mom's and the in-law's systems.  Maybe.  I'm sure they will love it.

Me...I'll keep it at hand, and satisfy myself by poking at it with a stick every now and then to see if it is still alive.

Next me poke Chrome with a stick.

I promise, some of you will think it is radical fun!



  1. Thanks for the link back. Hmm....some more things to play with in the browser. I've been using it for YouTube and PhotoBucket mostly as I have some issues with two sites in Firefox.

  2. The big issue right now is if you're using a trackpad, or have a certain wireless mouse.

    Basically, you can scroll down, but you can't scroll up at all, making the browser unusable.

  3. @ Wilhelm - thanks for that explanation. Our Gateway (Vista) laptop has a track-pad with a scroll-bar feature. I noticed I could do the scroll-pad feature fine when I was reading down a long page in Chrome, but when I tried to go back up it would balk. Figured it was Vista shenanegan's again. Your explanation makes much more sense!

    Thank you for dropping a comment and clearing this up!

    @ FFextensionguru - Been enjoying your take on it. Certainly interesting. Many Firefox fans seem to find Chrome curious, but nothing (yet) to lure them away from their first love.



  4. I had been wondering when you were going to post about it...
