Sunday, June 24, 2007

This Week in Link Review

Here are some links I've collected this past week (or maybe longer) that caught my eye.

They don't really merit individual posts but I found them useful or interesting.

Filter Google Search by Date...kind-of

Overwhelmed with too many Google search results?  Want to narrow them down to a more recently uploaded items?  Wait no more!

Google: Advanced Search page now lets you filter your results for pages updated in the past 3, 6, or 12 months. Handy.

Search Techniques: Get fresh results from Google searches - Lifehacker

Which led to a bit more details on the subject (with screenshots) via Matt Cutts: Google improves search for fresh documents

A deeper look into this interesting update via Google Makes Change to Daterange Syntax

Which leads to GooFresh: "Goofresh is a way to search for sites added today, yesterday, within the last seven days, or last 30 days."

Very clever.

Security and Elevation-of-Privilege

Mark's Blog : The Case of the Insecure Security Software

Sysinternals guru Mark Russinovich takes a brief but detailed look on how software vendors can write their code with the effect of allowing malware to take advantage of poor coding to "...allow unprivileged users to effectively shut off the application, corrupt its configuration files, and replace its executables to elevate to Local System privileges."  In addition, it could "...modify the configuration data or create its own version and prevent the security software from changing it. It could also watch for dynamic updates to the files and reset their contents."


I'm not a coder, but these are good things to keep in mind when looking at software and considering how even a "well-patched" system can still be potentially exploited.

Watch those Special Bin hardware deals

If you are in the habit of buying technology hardware and it isn't in the original shrink-wrap packaging, you might be getting more of an "Ordeal" than a "Deal". | N.S. family inadvertently got spied upon

Stores that accept returned hardware may not take the time to review/wipe/reset the items.  Thus when the product is picked up on-the-cheap by an unsuspecting user, some files or configuration settings from the prior owner may still be present...and lead to problems.

Read HTRegz take on the matter over at his post Buyer Beware! (”Returner” also Beware) - via Computer Defense blog.

KeePass - Useful Tip

I love and highly recommend the freeware product KeePass to manage the growing list of complex passwords I maintain.

However I just learned a new trick via Lifehacker: Track software licenses with KeePass.

Quite handy, indeed!

Big Web OS Review

Frantic Industries weblog does a two-part jam session on Web Operating Systems. They pick apart twenty of them.  If you've ever considered dabbling in a Web OS, here is a great place to begin.

10 online operating systems reviewed: covering Craythur, Desktoptwo, EyeOS, Glide, Goowy, Orca, Purefect, SSOE, XinDESK, and YouOS.

Another 10 web operating systems reviewed: now considering DesktopOnDemand, G.Ho.St, ODesktop, AjaxWindows, MyLGD, Nivio, Schmedley, Dekoh, Ironbox, and GCOE X. .

--via Web As Desktop: 20 Web operating systems reviewed - Lifehacker

Free Web Flair

Looking to add a bit more flair to your website or blog?  Smashing Magazine drops a great article that lists a ton of graphic resources for icons, buttons and other website flairs.

Freebies Round-Up: Icons, Buttons and Templates

Just be careful to take the time to review and understand the artist/owner's rules for usage.  Some may be only valid for personal or non-commercial usage.

Now, go make the Web a more beautiful place...but please...try to keep it classy.

Windows Hide and Seek

Download Squad drops a tip on How to Add/Hide software in Add/Remove programs.

Been bugged with those oddball programs that ship with XP?  Can't find how to remove them?

Back up your sysoc.inf file located in your Windows\INF\ directory.

Now open it in a text editor of choice...maybe Notepad?

Remove the word "HIDE" and leave the trailing comma.

Now go and take a look in the "Add/Remove Windows Components" list and they should be visible now.

I recommend you first review the original post Show hidden software in Add/Remove programs over at as it has more details and screenshots.

Since we are on the subject and don't want Vista user's to feel left out, ITsVISTA tips us on Hide the Vista Updates you don't want to see.

This is easy to do in XP and 2000, but a bit more tricky with Vista.  Great screenshots at that post, by the way.

New Versions

FreeCommander (freeware) - My favorite dual-pane Windows file manager utility has been bumped up to a new version.

Regshot (freeware) - a small utility that allows you to capture the state of your registry, do some system change (like install an application) then re-scan the registry and compare the files for changes.  Also can specify folders to be scanned for changes as well.

For the Kids (at heart!)

Star Trek Home Theater - While I am a fan of Star Trek and would love a home theater room one day, I think I would have to defer to Lavie's home theater decorating tastes with a few comfy love seats and leather club-chairs instead of the command-chairs and blinky lights. -via TechEBlog

Related TechEBlog post: Guy Turns Apartment Into Star Trek: Voyager

Joseph Wu origami - YouTube video on this Drawn! blog post.  Simply amazing origami work.  Joseph Wu's website.

See you under wet Houston skies!


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