Sunday, March 18, 2007

Apple iTunes - Version 7.1.1 Released

Still lovin' my new iPod shuffle.

It's running like a champ.

I spied word on my web-rounds today that Apple has released a minor version increment of iTunes.

Apple iTunes 7.1.1

While I couldn't find any release note details on the Apple site yet, is reporting simply the following information:

- iTunes 7.1.1 addresses a stability issue and minor compatibility problems in iTunes 7.1.

I downloaded and installed it without any issues. All of our shuffles and my 4G iPod brick unit are all working fine with it.

The latest version of iTunes is running on my XP system without any issues.

Go get it...maybe it might help with some of those issues of late.

I'm jamming out, streaming SomaFM's Secret Agent tunes....

Yeah, Baby!


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