Friday, January 12, 2007

Windows 2000 Running out of Time?

The way I understand it, Windows 2000 Professional has slid into what Microsoft deems "Extended support phase." Meaning it will continue to be supported by Microsoft for security updates through 2010. However feature updates, non-security hotfixes, etc. ended after June 30th, 2005

Windows 2000 moves into Extended Support after June 30th (2005)

Understanding the Windows lifecycle policy (for all you IT Pros out there)

Windows Service Pack Road Map

Microsoft Support Lifecycle Policy

You may have already been smacked in the head by this if you are a Windows 2000 Professional user.

No more access to Windows Defender (not supported!)

No more access to Virtual PC 2007 (still in beta)

Want Internet Explorer 7? Too bad!

Ready for smack number four?

Blame it on Congress and Microsoft.

Why not let Microsoft's brief "Preparing for daylight saving time changes in 2007" explain it for us.

In August of 2005 the United States Congress passed the Energy Policy Act, which changes the dates of both the start and end of daylight saving time (DST). When this law goes into effect in 2007, DST will start three weeks earlier (2:00 A.M. on the second Sunday in March) and will end one week later (2:00 A.M. on the first Sunday in November) than what had traditionally occurred.


  • Windows 2000
  • Update available - (under Extended Hotfix Support)
  • Windows 2000 has passed the end of Mainstream Support and will not be receiving an update without Extended Hotfix Support.

So what is a poor Windows 2000 user (or enterprise-wide deployment) to do?

Well....according to that same link and in "How to configure daylight saving time for the United States in 2007" (a.k.a. KB914387)

1) "All versions of Windows can be manually updated using the tzedit.exe utility or other techniques documented in Knowledge Base article 914387 and similar articles for other countries, which is the preferred method of remediation for any product outside of Mainstream Support. (The tzedit.exe tool allows you to create and edit time zone entries for the Date/Time settings in the Control Panel, especially for daylight-saving time)."

2) Export the registry fixes made by that using that utility and then import the reg files created across other computers in your network,

3) Use the Daylight Saving Time Update utility (Timezone.exe located in your handy-dandy Resource Kit) to update the registry settings. (Not sure you know where you put your copy? Download the individual file hosted by third-party or directly from Microsoft's Windows 2000 Resource Kit Tools for administrative tasks web page. Hint: Look near the bottom for the timezone.exe link.)

4) "Use Visual Basic to programmatically change time zone information."

Other options (not suggested by Microsoft)

1) Upgrade all your Windows 2000 systems to XP SP2 or Vista (although kinda implied there...),

2) Just remember to manually change your system clock forward and backward an hour when it becomes out-of-sync with the (now incorrectly) programmed DST periods, or

3) Use the hand-dandy "Unofficial Windows 2000 Daylight Saving Time Patch" created by the fine folks over at IntelliAdmin. (Thank the gods for them!)

Oh and you lingering Windows 98 users still out there? You're pretty well screwed. Use option #2 above and good luck on that rapidly-deflating life-raft.

Better get on that....and if your a system administrator...I'm sure you and your IT group have already long-since began to audit which of your other server, email systems, network and end-user applications are impacted and may also need patches or workarounds...right? Right? Oh man....

Will there be panic in the streets (and in the media?)

So far, the mass-media outlets have been largely silent on this brewing storm (except for our ever-vigilant Canadian neighbors). They've been too wrapped up on all this critical Rosie vs. Donald stuff and Becks coming to the States.

While in the end it is probably not quite as panic inducing for the general-public as the "Year 2000 problem" it may still end up becoming a bit of a headache--especially for home Windows pc users who don't keep their systems patched with updates from Microsoft.

They will sure be confused!

And all you faithful XP patchers out there can relax and watch the fireworks as you should already have gotten the update amongst the recently released December 2006 Windows updates. If not...get the patch from Microsoft here. Got Vista? It's already in there.

Good luck....and get busy planning...time's running out!


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