Sunday, October 08, 2006

New Gear Wish List

As much as I like keeping on eye on the latest developments in software happenings...I'm pretty laid back when it comes to electronica gadgicus. My 4G 40G iPod (great for tunes and external storage), a USB flash drive or two. My cell phone. And although not "electronica gadgicus", my trusty Leatherman Original. That's pretty much it.

But, were I to wear a Batman Utility Belt....this is what I might carry:

CF to IDE for desktop PCs - clever idea, almost directly plug your compact flash card into a spare IDE cable. Consider the possibilities if you carried a bootable Linux distro on this thing...Might work nicely for those systemboards that do not support USB key booting, but you want a little more permanence than using a "LiveCD" format.

MR-C11 and MR-C10, the high speed 11-in-one readers with Card Dubbing - Very tiny and covers 11 formats of memory cards. Even can transfer between cards!

USB to SATA in the pocket - Plug your USB adapter into your laptop/pc, then plug your SATA drive into it. Brilliant for drive data recovery!

Sonnet Tempo SATA Express 32 Card - get two SATA II ports for the price of one!

CEATEC - iNNODISK flash memory based hard disk - Hey kids, this may be the future upon us. Flash based "hard-disks" are becoming a more realistic storage solution for micro devices and laptops. They can be power-efficient, and with no moving parts, much more durable in a "portable" electronic system.

The new Sigma mice for laptops - Pretty. Cool. Small. Perfect for quick laptop use beyond the eraser-stubbin or touchpad.

Elecom's coged keyboard. - Feedback might be pretty nice. Of course, if clickidy-clack feedback is REALLY what you're into, check out Dan's Data as he reviews the famous IBM "Battleship" keyboards.

USBGear's Bluetooth Printer Adapter - Breath life into old parallel and USB port printers. Pretty neat.

Atari Plug and Play keychains - micro scaled controls that plug into the RCA jacks of a TV. Pick from Asteroids and Centipede, or Milipede and Missile Command, or if a good paddling is your thing, your model comes with Pong, Breakout and Warlords. At about $15 each, it's a great stocking stuffer!.

Going beyond the belt-size, but still under a Texas Rodeo trophy buckle...

E-Way Technology Systems 200MHz x86-compatible mini PC for $99. Man, what Linux fun could we have with this micro box!

NorhTec MicroClient JR. a sub $100 micro pc measuring 4.5 inches square, and has a 166MHz Pentium-compatible processor. More details and micro-goodness at the NorhTec website.

Getting around town in style...

It was love at first site for the steampunk fan in me when I laid eyes on the Whizzer motorbike. That's just gotta be cool. Yea, the Harley and Honda riders would laugh at me and through empties my way, but it is just kawaii!


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