Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Rita Watch...Tuesday Night Post.

Woke up last night with a mild panic attack. There is something about the silence of the night that messes with your head. This audio account (Life with Lou Gehrig's Disease-- on NPR I heard yesterday captures much of it. Hopelessness at night. Finally got to sleep and woke up ok with no (major) worries.

Alvis's school district (as of this post time) still hasn't closed the schools. Expect low attendence to lead to closure mid-day or Friday for sure. Lavie's workplace has her home tomorrow and Friday. She still has to check in, but is otherwise planning on being off and taking care of last minute items.

I'm still facing normal operations as of right now at work. We closed our offices in Galveston, Alvin, Texas City. Rest are pending status right now. Don't know yet if I will be let off on Thursday/Friday yet. I hope so....

Lavie has a co-worker's family she "adopted." They moved down here from the Northern state area and have no family. They were in the manditory evacutation areas (us not yet) so she is letting them bunk-in at her parent's home futher north in Liberty county. Lavie and Alvis will be heading up there sometime Thurdsay. I will follow ASAP. We will then take in Lavie's mom's mother and aunt. Lavie's parents are out of the state in Colorado. So we all will be taking over their home during the storm. Body count is at least 8 people right now, may be more...Need to check in with my brother.

Decided last night on the essentials to take up with us. Will put stuff up off the floor before we leave. Don't really expect flooding where we are at and where Rita is coming ashore (as of right now). Biggest concern is water from roof damage--oh, and that tree in the neighbor's front yard.

See you in clear skies soon.

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